Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Excerpt from 7/4/06 Blog

As we begin to recover from our 3-day weekend, I begin to wonder how many people out there really know what they just celebrated. Below is an excerpt from a blog I posted back in 2006. My feelings remain the same, especially now.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Independence Day
Current mood: pessimistic

Today is a day to celebrate America's freedom from the laws and politics of Britain, thanks to the support of France due to Benjamin Franklin's tireless efforts. To most, however, it represents a day off from work, hot dogs, parades and cool fireworks.

This brings me deep dismay. Most people have lost the understanding of what is important and why. When 9/11 happened, a young local teen being interviewed by a news station said, "A couple of buildings fell down in New York. It has nothing to do with me." Granted, age brings wisdom, but is the youth of this country really this naive?

I'm sitting here on a day of celebration weeping. Why? Because I fear for the future of this country and what the future will hold for my daughter. This is the first time in a long time that I haven't been on Main Street in Huntington Beach to watch the parade and cheer on the veterans who continued to fight for our freedom.

I want so much for this to be a day of fun and happiness. I wish, One Nation, Under God, it was.

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